technet_2Microsoft has published another article of mine on its TechNet site.  This article will be of interest not only to project managers but also those deploying and configuring timesheet systems as it looks at how to determine how many charge codes to have and to what level of detail charge codes should be defined.

There is a temptation for many who are new to project or timesheet management to create as many possible definitions for work as they can think of but this is rarely productive.  For those deploying an enterprise project systems like Project Server there is an added complexity of having different perspectives of different project managers bringing projects at many different levels of resolution all at the same time.

This article will take a look at some of the criteria we use at HMS to decide how detailed to make our plans and how detailed to make tracking of hours in TimeControl.

You can find the article on the Project Server 2010 0r Project Server 2013 pages of TechNet in the “From the Trenches” column or go to it directly at  I hope you enjoy it.