It’s been a busy time around here.  Aside from a may product release at HMS as we launched TimeControl 7.3, I’ve had some other activities underway.  This week I was delighted to be able to do a talk with the ProjectSummit*Business Analyst World conference in Orlando.  I do some volunteer time with the advisory board of the PW*BA conference.  I’ve been associated to ProjectWorld since the very first conference ever in Toronto over 20 years ago.  It has evolved greatly since then but I still enjoy any chance I can to work with attendees from the show.  This week the subject was how project managers can make an impact even though they often have little authority. The attendees seemed pleased.

Next month I’ll be taking a day to be in Dallas for the local PMI chapter’s annual Professional Development Days symposium. They’ve asked me to speak there on how to improve resource capacity without hiring; a subject that’s dear to my heart. For those in the Metroplex area, I encourage you to stop by the PMI’s website for more information at: