The Microsof Office Project Support blog is reporting an issue that has appeared for users of Project Server 2007, Service Pack 2 and its connectivity to Project Professional when trying to update the Enterprise Global settings. There is a fix in the pipeline which should see the light of day in August which we will report to you here. There is both a description of the problem and Microsoft’s suggested workaround. Description: The problem and…
I’ve written at different times in this column about the impact of the web on enterprise project management systems. Until now, most of that talk has been about how the availability of a web interface would attract additional users through an easier and more accessible interface. There is an emerging movement in this regard however, which is starting to revolutionize how we think of project management data and project systems usage. It has come about…
For those looking for the latest news on Microsoft Project and Project Server, there’s probably no better place than the Project Conference. Microsoft will hold the next Microsoft Project Conference in Phoenix Arizona on Sept 14-17. Microsoft has promised a preview of what’s coming in Project 2010. This is a good opportunity to connect not only with Microsoft but, perhaps more interstingly with others who are users of Microsoft Project and Project Server as well…
Commercial tools are not the only ones available for managing projects but do you have all the facts when you choose an open source tool for project management? Both commerical and open source tools may be a part of your pm environment but make sure you understand the total cost of ownership either way.
We tend to talk about project management systems as an end unto themselves but what help is there for automating or improving project manager’s soft skills? There’s lots. From training to aids and enablement systems, project managers should be aware of what can help them be a good leader, a good negotiator, a good collaborator and a good communicator.
News out of Microsoft today that we’ve already seen here with at least one client. It seems that upgrading your Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) or Microsoft Project Server environments to SP2 results in your SharePoint environment being converted back into a Trial version. If not changed back, you may see a message saying that “the trial edition will expire in October 2009” or to some other date or even “trial edition has expired”. The…
Systems: Planning for Project 2010 We’ve received and will continue to receive information from Microsoft on the upcoming release of Project and Project Server 2010. For those who are making plans to migrate to Project 2010 or who plan to deploy Project 2010, some of this information will enable you to make long term strategic or technical plans. Read more…
Microsoft has released an update to Project and Project Server 2007. The “April 2009 Cumulative Update (CU). Includes a number of changes that didn’t make it into Service Pack 2 which we’ve mentioned here previously. The links on our Project and Project Server Updates page include descriptions of what has been fixed in this update, instructions on how to apply the fixes and some best practices on how to deal with updates when they’re released. …
Microsoft has released Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Project and Project Server. There are a number of components of the upgrade and we’ve put all the links on our Microsoft Project System Updates page. There are a wide range of improvements from Service Pack 1. If you’ve been updating each month with the monthly updates we post here, you’ll have a lot of them already but some of the improvements include: Project Standard and Project…
Microsoft has packaged a number of hot-fixes and other cumulative updates for Project Server 2007. I’ve listed the updates on the Project Server Update page along with some other key information. Since you have to consider not just the Project Server bits but also all the supporting technology, you’ll find also some updates for other elements of hte technology stack including the following: Guidance on loading Project Server 2007 Cumulative Hotfixes Description of March 2009 Project…