Interrelated best of breed modules or integrated all-in-one solutions? What’s the best way to evaluate which of these should be the path for your organization when it comes to thinking of enterprise project management software?
You’d think that ERP systems would be the be-all and end-all of products. Why then are vendors like SAP and Oracle so keen to have 3rd party vendors on their list. The answer of course is that it’s quite common to integrate specific tools with these ERP beheamouths in order to create a complete solution.
ERP deployments seek to be the core business system for all business functions but they virtually always start at the center of the Finance department. ERP firms, a niche with a tiny home in 1995 became a behemoth of an industry by the end of the 90’s as some firms became desperate to abandon old non-integrated systems in favor of a complete solution that would be not only Y2K compliant but more effective at the…
It’s a question that we would have thought would get settled years ago. When looking for EPM (Enterprise Project Management) software, should you be looking for the all-in-one or looking for the best of each type of tool that will link together?
I’ve been in a lot of corporate meetings lately discussing various aspects of delivering an “integrated” project management environment. Don’t get me wrong, a corporate-wide integrated system is a wonderful thing to desire. There’s no doubt that the idea of pushing a button on a screen and finding that every element of data across the company is tied to every other element in just such a way that the answers I desire are immediately available…
With major ERP vendors like SAP and Oracle directing new efforts from the enterprise market to the mid-market and vendors like Microsoft directing new efforts from the end-user to the mid-market, there is bound to be some interesting competition underway. We can think of an ERP system as the unmoveable object but the wave of user support for Microsoft is not to be taken lightly. We can think of them as the unstoppable force. Both are headed to the same place. How does this affect the Enterprise Project Management market? This article tackles this subject.