


I just finished a great week at Collaborate14, the Orace Application Users Group conference where I was asked to speak about the Benefits of the As-Built Schedule.  Despite being in the very last speaking slot of the conference in the Primavera track, there were a number of die-hard fans who attended. For those who were there or those who missed the conference, the slides can be downloaded at: www.epmguidance.com/resources/The_As-Built_Schedule.pdf.  The Excel spreadsheet I used for…

HMS has just published a compete update of our TimeControl and Primavera Solutions Portal. Those interested in linking a financial timesheet with Primavera’s P6 will find numerous resources here including factsheets, white papers, powerpoints and an all-new webcast showing TimeControl 6 and Primavera’s P6 working with each other.

HMS has released the latest version of TimeControl, 5.1.2.  As usual, the new version has a number of fixes but more interestingly, the version now supports the use of Primavera “Steps” for updating tasks.  This project updating feature lets a project manager define a number of sub-activity steps which can be progressed individually.  The summary of that progress can be used to update the progress of the task itself. Now TimeControl will transfer any steps…

I’ve been remiss in not talking about this before now but in October, Oracle announced that they had purchased Primavera. Primavera has been around since the early 80s and my firm, HMS has been a technology partner since the mid-90’s.  The sale became final late in 2008 and now we’re starting to see some of the effects of the sale. Oracle has explained that Primavera will form one of the major wings of its strategic…